Douglas Ambrose is professor of history at Hamilton College, where he has taught since 1990. He holds a Ph.D. in history from the State University of New York at Binghamton. His publications include Henry Hughes and Proslavery Thought in the Old South (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1996), “Of Stations and Relations: Proslavery Christianity in Early National Virginia,” in Religion and the Antebellum Debate Over Slavery, edited by John R. McKivigan and Mitchell Snay (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1998), “Sowing Sentiment: Shaping the Southern Presbyterian Household, 1750-1800,” Georgetown Law Journal Volume 90 no. 1 (November 2001), and The Many Faces of Alexander Hamilton: The Life and Legacy of America’s Most Elusive Founding Father (New York: New York University Press, 2006), a volume he co-edited with Robert W. T. Martin. Ambrose is a charter fellow of the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization in Clinton, NY. He lives in Utica, NY with his wife, Sheila O’Connor-Ambrose, and their three children.
Amy Estes is a Chicago native who moved to Atlanta to attend Oglethorpe University, majoring in business administration. After enjoying the mild southern winters, she decided to stay and began a career in volunteer management and fundraising for non-profit organizations. She went on to earn an MBA from Oglethorpe. Her 13-year professional career came to an end in November 2007 with the birth of her son, as her family is now her full-time work.
Timothy Jones received a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art in 1984 from Arkansas State University,and earned his Master of Fine Arts in 1987 from the University of Arkansas. He was selected as a finalist in the Art Renewal Center’s 2005 International Salon and most recently for participation in the 2008 Eastern Regional Competition of the Oil Painters of America. He has been blessed to be a working artist his entire adult life. He and his wife, Martha, have been happily married for 25 years and have two children. His other interests include the Catholic faith, Hiking, Camping,Brewing, Bread Baking, Cheese Making, G.K. Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S.Lewis and other Dead British Guys. Tim blogs at Old World Swine - - allows us to peek at works in progress at his Daily Painting blog - - and sells his work at his online store -
Michael M. Jordan, Professor and Chairman of the Department of English at Hillsdale College, received his B.A. in English from Bryan College, his M.A in Literature and Moral Philosophy from International College, and his Ph.D. in English from the University of Georgia. For the M.A, he studied with Russell Kirk, serving as Assistant Editor of The University Bookman and writing a thesis on “Original Sin in the Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne, with Ralph Waldo Emerson Serving as Hawthorne’s Foil.” For the Ph.D., he worked with Marion Montgomery, who directed Jordan’s dissertation on “Donald Davidson’s Agrarian ‘Creed of Memory’.” Jordan has lectured on the work of various Southern authors: the Southern Agrarians, Donald Davidson, Robert Penn Warren, Flannery O’Connor, M. E. Bradford, Richard Weaver, and Walker Percy. He also has written essays and reviews for various journals of scholarship and opinion, including Chronicles, Touchstone, The Southern Partisan, Modern Age, The Intercollegiate Review, The South Carolina Review, The Southern Humanities Review, The Chattahoochee Review, The University Bookman, and The Wanderer.
Anthony Esolen is a professor of English at Providence College, and a senior editor of Touchstone. He is the translator of the Modern Library edition of Dante’s Divine Comedy. His most recent books are Ironies of Faith and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization.
The late Darius Lecesne (1959-2006), defender of Christendom, husband and father, poet, bibliophile, and graphic artist, was born in Kingston, Jamaica. His father was an RAF airman who flew night missions over Germany as a gunner in a Lancaster bomber during WWII. This subject, along with his emerging faith, informs much of his poetry and his artwork. Lecesne entered the Roman Catholic Church as an adult after coming to the spiritual dead-end of Marxism. In the communion of saints, he prays, as he lived, for others.
Msgr. Richard Lopez is a priest of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. He teaches in the Department of Religion at St. Pius X Catholic High School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the chaplain at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home.
William Luse is the associate editor of The Christendom Review. He has published articles in Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, poetry in The New Oxford Review, and other articles at websites like The New Pantagruel and Orson Scott Card’s He has written one novel which remains unpublished. He was once a good golfer (even financing, back in the 90’s, the down payment on his wife’s new car through skin game profits), but can still drink European lager to admirable excess. He studied the craft of fiction under Smith Kirkpatrick beginning in 1968, and knows that the day will never come when he does not consider himself that man’s student. He is currently an adjunct professor of English at Valencia Community College in Orlando, Florida. But more importantly he’s been married to the same woman for over 30 years, which union has issued in two daughters, now in their twenties, who still like him.
Kathleen Kelly Marks is an Assistant Professor of English in the College of Professional Studies at St. John’s University in Queens, New York. Marks received her B.A. from The Thomas More Institute of Liberal Arts in New Hampshire, and her Ph.D. from the University of Dallas in Texas. Marks’ book, Toni Morrison’s Beloved and the Apotropaic Imagination, (University of Missouri Press 2002), analyzes Greek influences on the post-modern writer’s most significant novel. Marks lives with her husband and daughter in New York City.
Lydia McGrew is a housewife and home schooling mother living in Michigan. She took a PhD in English from Vanderbilt University (1995) and has published a number of works in philosophy. She is the co-author (with Timothy McGrew) of Internalism and Epistemology: The Architecture of Reason (Routledge, 2007), and her articles have appeared in journals such as Erkenntnis, Journal of Philosophical Research, and Philosophia Christi. She is a contributor to the group weblog What’s Wrong with the World. She is a contributing editor to The Christendom Review.
William Mickelberry graduated from the University of Florida’s writing program under Smith Kirkpatrick. His fiction and poetry have appeared in The Literary Review, Quarterly West, The Denver Quarterly, The Black Warrior Review and the Southern Poetry Review among others. After teaching at the University of Florida and University of North Carolina--Greensboro, he currently works as a screenwriter and lives in Los Angeles. More of his artwork and poetry can be seen at
Bill Miles has lived and worked as far north as the Arctic Ocean in Alaska and as far south as McMurdo, Antarctica. Along the way, he’s been a sky-diver, snowmobile racer, boxer, state legislator and pilot. Bill’s fiction has been published in numerous literary journals and his articles have appeared in the Anchorage Daily News, the Anchorage Times, the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times Book Review. He’s been nominated for a Pushcart and his collection of short stories, Alaska Unsalted, was nominated for the Hemingway Foundation/PEN award.
Lorraine Murray is the religion columnist for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Her most recent book is “Confessions of an Ex-Feminist” (Ignatius Press). She also is the author of “Grace Notes: Embracing the Joy of Christ in a Broken World” and “Why Me? Why Now? Finding Hope When You Have Breast Cancer.”
Sheila O’Connor-Ambrose, who holds a PhD in women’s studies from Emory University, is an independent scholar whose main academic interests include women writers, feminist theory, and the role of Catholicism in contemporary culture. She is a fellow of The Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization in Clinton, NY. The editor of Marriage: The Dream That Refuses to Die (ISI, 2008), a collection of essays on marriage, women, and family by the late historian Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Sheila is editing a volume of Fox-Genovese’s writings on religion. She and Douglas Ambrose are the parents of three young children: Antonia, Augusta, and Dominic More.
Deborah A. Symonds teaches history at Drake University in Iowa. She has degrees in literature and history; she earned the last two as the student of Elizabeth Fox-Genovese at Binghamton University in New York in the 1980s. She worked with Betsey on The Journal of the Historical Society for a brief period, continues her own work in early modern Scots history, and misses Betsey every day.
Jeff Trippe is an educator and freelance writer who lives in Yarmouth, Maine, with his wife Laura and daughter Alex.
Terry Weaver is a married, mother of seven and grandmother of 10. She is the co-founder of Birthright in the USA, co-founder of Georgia Right to Life and Georgia’s founding mother of La Leche League.